Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

The people of Charleston, South Carolina, showed the world the only way to have peace among the races.

These books of the Bible contain prophetic history, yet few study them and even fewer understand their significance for today.

These books of the Bible contain prophetic history, yet few study them and even fewer understand their significance for today.

Immediately after creating the first man, God taught him about the two trees.

As knowledge increases, so do world evils. Here’s why science can’t solve our problems.

Why has science proven so powerless against the quandaries of selfishness, hatred and violence?

The first visible sign of this prophecy has now been manifested in the little Mediterranean country of Lebanon in the Middle East.

The first visible sign of this prophecy has now been manifested in the little Mediterranean country of Lebanon in the Middle East.

The financial crisis in Greece is a small example of what will happen in America and Britain.

What happens when you handcuff the nation’s law enforcement?

A key to his outstanding success that you can apply today

America’s banking crisis will powerfully impact Europe financially—and politically.

The financial crisis in Greece is a small example of what will happen in America and Britain.

Does the Iranian nuclear deal make the world safer? The nations hope it will curb Iran’s radical ambitions, but they are ignoring the lessons of history.

History teaches us what to expect now that Iran got the deal it sought over its nuclear program.

Does the Iranian nuclear deal make the world safer? The nations hope it will curb Iran’s radical ambitions, but they are ignoring the lessons of history.

Charleston citizens reacted admirably to the June massacre of nine churchgoers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his actions in Crimea are no different than the West’s actions in Yugoslavia in the ’90s.

Charleston citizens reacted admirably to the June massacre of nine churchgoers.

The people of Charleston, South Carolina, showed the world the only way to have peace among the races.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his actions in Crimea are no different than the West’s actions in Yugoslavia in the ’90s.

It is far more astounding than any science-fiction fantasy—and it is absolute reality!

Racially charged unrest is boiling over—and law enforcement is being critically undermined. Many people are framing the issue as a pursuit of justice. Some call it a revolution. Many are bracing for race war. You need to know where this is leading!

The true gospel of God’s Kingdom is revealed in the book of Daniel.

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