Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Russia is rising up as a great superpower, and is causing the German-led EU to rise as well. We are living in the most dangerous time in man’s history!

The Apostle John dealt with many Church crises, but he taught a formula for spiritual success. It is one of the most profound lessons in all the Bible.

It is far more awesome than most people realize!

Russia’s president just pulled Ukraine away from Europe and back into Moscow’s orbit. This set events in motion that will change the course of world history.

The Apostle John dealt with many Church crises, but he taught a formula for spiritual success. It is one of the most profound lessons in all the Bible.

The book of Revelation tells us that there was a recent war in heaven in this end time, after which Satan and his demons were cast down to this Earth! That sounds outrageous to a lot of people, but it’s right there in your Bible.

The book of Revelation tells us that there was a recent war in heaven in this end time, after which Satan and his demons were cast down to this Earth! That sounds outrageous to a lot of people, but it’s right there in your Bible.

The Ukrainian government was about to make a deal with the European Union, and then Vladimir Putin and Russia came in and almost forced Ukraine to ally with Russia. That led to massive demonstrations in the streets of Ukraine, and even bloodshed, but there’s been a far more important bit of news about how this has changed the government in Germany. It gave the German people and their leaders an urgency they have not had before about building up their military.

The Ukrainian government was about to make a deal with the European Union, and then Vladimir Putin and Russia came in and almost forced Ukraine to ally with Russia. That led to massive demonstrations in the streets of Ukraine, and even bloodshed, but there’s been a far more important bit of news about how this has changed the government in Germany. It gave the German people and their leaders an urgency they have not had before about building up their military.

A great prophecy has begun to be fulfilled, and it’s almost totally unnoticed in this world. Yet before long, this world is going to be totally shocked and in wonder at the development of this Bible prophecy. The first visible sign of this prophecy has now been manifested in the little Mediterranean country of Lebanon in the Middle East.

There are seven seals covered in the book of Revelation. In fact, that is what the book of Revelation is all about. Jesus Christ explains those seven seals in Matthew 24. After He covers the first four seals He digresses away from the main subject and goes back to A.D. 70 and Jerusalem. He digressed just before the fifth seal, or the Great Tribulation. What does that all mean?

People want to put it out of their minds, but nuclear war is going to begin, and soon!

There are seven seals covered in the book of Revelation. In fact, that is what the book of Revelation is all about. Jesus Christ explains those seven seals in Matthew 24. After He covers the first four seals He digresses away from the main subject and goes back to A.D. 70 and Jerusalem. He digressed just before the fifth seal, or the Great Tribulation. What does that all mean?

The Prophet Jeremiah suffered much persecution. Yet even in his hardest trial, his love for God’s Word pushed him to endure. Is God’s Word a fire in your bones?

The Prophet Jeremiah suffered much persecution. Yet even in his hardest trial, his love for God’s Word pushed him to endure. Is God’s Word a fire in your bones?

There’s a lot of confusion in this world, and we should be able to look to religion to point the way. But we find all kinds of serious, fundamental disagreements in religion. And if you look at the variety of the different gospels—the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of grace, the gospel of the Kingdom, the social gospel, or even the Israel message, etc.—you see all kinds of confusion. How are we to understand the true gospel? Many people have lost that gospel, and the gospel is everything! That’s what the entire message of the Bible is about!

There’s a lot of confusion in this world, and we should be able to look to religion to point the way. But we find all kinds of serious, fundamental disagreements in religion. And if you look at the variety of the different gospels—the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of grace, the gospel of the Kingdom, the social gospel, or even the Israel message, etc.—you see all kinds of confusion. How are we to understand the true gospel? Many people have lost that gospel, and the gospel is everything! That’s what the entire message of the Bible is about!

When the British people crown a new king or a queen, something really strange happens in that ceremony—they sing the song “Zadok the Priest.” But why Zadok the Priest? If you understand the Bible, you realize that Zadok the Priest is one of the most prominent characters at the time of David. But what does that have to do with you?

There has been a supreme crisis in the country of Ukraine, located between Russia and Europe, and some of our very best media journalists have said this is a monumental crisis. This event is going to change the course of world history. It’s going to take us a giant step closer to World War III, and you’re going to see that happen.

There has been a supreme crisis in the country of Ukraine, located between Russia and Europe—some of our best media journalists have said it is a monumental crisis. This event will change the course of world history. It’s going to take us a giant step closer to World War III, and you’re going to see that happen.

The Bible is a mystery to most people. Not only is it a mystery to those in education and science, even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Though that is a shocking statement, you can prove it true. Here is how to remove the mystery of the Bible!

God promises that He will speak to us by His Son in these last days. But how does God do that, and how does God speak to His people today, or to this world? You don’t hear a thunderous voice coming from heaven, and yet God says He will speak to us. But how and where does He do that?

God promises that He will speak to us by His Son in these last days. But how does God do that? How does God speak to His people today, or to this world? You don’t hear a thunderous voice coming from heaven, and yet God says He will speak to us. But how? And where?

Herbert W. Armstrong wrote a book about the spiritual potential of man, and it includes mankind ruling over the universe with God. What is more important to us than our physical and spiritual potential—and exploiting that potential? What could be more important to you or to anybody than that?

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