Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

On the president’s recent historic trip, many people were impressed by his strong statements of support for the Jewish state. But the truth about this man’s relationship with Israel goes deeper than mere words in front of a camera.

The King James Bible calls it the Song of Solomon, but that is not really the name of the book. The name should be Song of Songs. It’s God’s song—not Solomon’s. This greatest love song is directed toward God’s people. It offers great hope and a great warning.

Are you concerned about where the current administration is leading this country? Whether the nation can survive the next four years?

An important prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

How can President Obama make such a statement when America is going into debt more than a trillion dollars a year? The government’s economic policies are guaranteeing the collapse of the dollar!

Jesus Christ said that He speaks to His Church, and yet there are all kinds of interpretations of the Bible. Christ does not speak in conflicting or contradictory terms. Why is it people can’t understand how Christ speaks to us? If we don’t grasp how He speaks to us, we’re going to be deceived.

The most profound booklet that Herbert Armstrong ever wrote was A World Held Captive. In that booklet he made this statement: “The eyeglasses through which all modern thought is viewed is the theory of evolution.” Most educators go right ahead and teach evolution, which robs man of joy and happiness and real meaning in his life. Has the evolution hoax robbed you of your hope?

Both political parties in the U.S. will have some people who dislike or perhaps hate the Constitution, but it seems like today most of those people come from what we call the radical left. Is there a problem with that? And what does it all mean if people hate the Constitution and want to do away with it? What is abandoning the Constitution going to produce?

We live in a time unlike any other in history. World events are moving rapidly toward the end of this age. There is an unseen reason why troubles are intensifying as never before. You cannot understand events without recognizing this truth!

It’s a booming business, and it is bringing our nation down—one click at a time.

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