Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Why should Jerusalem be important to you? Did you know that world events from this very time to the end of this age are going to revolve around Jerusalem? Do you know what to watch for in Jerusalem?

A secret plot has just been revealed in Europe that is fulfilling a great prophecy in your Bible. We have been saying for over 50 years that a strongman was going to come on the scene to lead Europe. Britain will also be removed from the EU. Now this secret plot reveals some of the details of how this is happening now!

Daniel 11:42-43 mentions specific countries that will be deeply involved in fulfilling end-time prophecies. Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia factor heavily into these prophecies in Daniel. Current events in the Middle East are leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

There is a mysterious prophecy in Psalm 83 that prophesies there’s going to be a dramatic and violent shift in many nations in this end time. Part of this major prophecy is being fulfilled in Syria, and it’s going to change the course of mighty nations on this Earth and shake the foundation of this world as never before.

A powerful, genuine example of peace was given to this world for a tiny period. When you see how people reacted, you can understand why this world has no real peace. Nevertheless, we are about to have world peace in spite of man and his human nature.

Scripture answers life’s most puzzling questions. But who can understand it?

The word “Zion” is not mentioned at all in the New Testament, but it’s mentioned well over a hundred times in the Old Testament. So why is this word so important to us today? On this program you will see that Zion is a key to unlocking Bible prophecies.

In the book of Hosea God talks about the broken judgment of Israel (which includes the United States, Britain, and Israel in the Middle East). What is the cause of this broken judgment and where is it leading?

The true meaning of a pivotal biblical prophecy that has confused people for millennia.

People everywhere fight and strive for greater freedom. At the same time, they fight against law. That shows a dangerous misunderstanding of the nature of true freedom and the need for righteous law.

The Bible is specific about events that will lead directly to the return of Jesus Christ. Once you know the biblical identities of modern nations, current events fit together into prophecy like pieces of a puzzle. Russia and China are two very big pieces of this puzzle. Soon, Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men. Does that sound incredible? Your Bible says it will happen—and soon!

The U.S. and Israel recently met to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. The result of this meeting was to give Iran more time. But giving Iran more time only brings the world closer to nuclear war! As prophecies advance toward the return of Christ, God the Father is getting His rulers ready to lead this world.

Genesis 28 gives the history of the beginning of Jacob’s Pillar Stone. What does this great symbol teach us about Christ marrying His Church?

A powerful and genuine example of peace was given to this world for a tiny period of time. (Was it prophesied in your Bible?) When you see how people reacted to it, you can understand why we have no real peace in this evil world. Nevertheless, we are about to have world peace in spite of man and his human nature.

Daniel prophesied about a coming conflict between the king of the north and the king of the south. Iran is leading a group of Islamic nations that are beginning to push against the EU. Iran is a key to unlocking linked prophecies in your Bible. These prophecies lead to the return of Jesus Christ!

Racism is an issue Americans fear to face. But racism is about to violently explode. The good news is that it will lead directly to the end of racism forever.

In 1977 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat spoke at the Israeli Knesset. Mr. Sadat brought a message of peace. Herbert W. Armstrong worked with Mr. Sadat to try to bring peace to the Middle East. Their efforts were prophesied in your Bible. Soon the entire Earth will be truly at peace!

Many professing Christians don’t know what Christ meant when He said that we must be born again. Do you truly understand what the Bible teaches about the born again doctrine?

The Prophet Jeremiah suffered much persecution. Yet even in his hardest trial, his love of God’s word pushed him to endure. Is God’s word a fire in your bones?

The British are being kicked out of the EU!

Christ said in Matthew 24 that an increase in natural disasters would be a sign of His imminent return. The last few years have yielded an increase in violent weather and earthquakes. What can we expect for 2012?

God concluded the Old Testament with an inspiring message about the key of David—and about raising the ruins in our vast universe. It is far more relevant today than any time in mankind’s history!

In Acts 17 Paul corrected the people of Athens for not knowing the true God. While very superstitious, these people didn’t know who God was. Most people today are also in ignorance of the true God. Do you know the one true God?

Revelation 12 shows that Satan has been cast down to this Earth. This chapter also reveals that Satan has deceived the whole world! Are you deceived by Satan the devil?

Lessons from the greatest CEO ever

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