Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

The late Herbert W. Armstrong said over 50 years ago that America had won its last war. He was right!

God’s watchman gives God’s warning and inspiring hope in this end time. Do you know who God’s watchman is?

In his epistle, James is addressing a problem within God’s first-century Church. However, James’s epistle is primarily prophecy for God’s true Church today, as well as the physical nations of modern Israel.

Relying on a wealth of official documents and depositions submitted in federal courts, Raising the Ruins reveals the truth behind the shipwreck of the Worldwide Church of God and outlines the remarkable twists and turns of an unprecedented legal battle.

You can’t conquer your enemy if you don’t even know him.

Biblical prophecy is a mystery even to most who read the Bible. The reason for that is that people lack the vital key that opens understanding of those prophecies. Did you know that it all revolves around the identity of the lost 10 tribes of Israel? You need this all-important key!

The Bible gives one major sign of Christ’s return. Do you know what that sign is?

The brains of humans and animals are physically very similar. Yet man has an intellectual capacity far greater than in any other creature. Why? Because of the spirit God put in man. Just what is the human spirit?

(Unless it’s their own.)

The only sign Christ gave that He was the Messiah was that He would be in the grave for three days and three nights. Traditional Christianity has Christ dying on Friday and rising on Sunday morning. That duration is not three days and three nights. Is traditional Christianity deceived about the only sign Christ gave of being the Messiah?

John the Baptist was asked if he was Christ, Elijah or that prophet. Just who is “that prophet,” and what message does he have for us today?

The Apostle Paul rebuked the scholars of his day for their idolatry. These intellectuals even built an idol to the “Unknown God.” Paul came to preach the one true God. Do you know the true God?

A foundational prophecy of your Bible has just been fulfilled. The perfect military storm is about to explode. Let the world beware!

God appeared to Samuel twice in Shiloh. What message do the ruins of Shiloh have for us today?

The Bible is a mystery to most people. Not only is it a mystery to those in education and science, even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Though that is a shocking statement, you can prove it true. Here is how to remove the mystery of the Bible!

Have you ever wondered why the vast universe exists? The most mysterious Bible verse offers incredible insight into the future of the universe and your part in it!

What happened to the global humanitarian empire of Herbert W. Armstrong, one of the foremost religious leaders of the 20th century? This special Key of David program discusses the doctrinal hijacking and spiritual destruction of the Worldwide Church of God after the death of its founder. Also, watch personal interviews with Stephen Flurry, author of the book Raising the Ruins.

Time recently reported that six NATO countries have 350 U.S.-owned nukes. What do you know about Europe’s dirty nuclear bomb secret?

The book of Ezekiel shows how Satan rules empires of this world. Do you believe that Satan is real and is actually the god of this world today? Can you recognize the hidden Satan?

The “little book” of Revelation was also discussed by the Prophet Ezekiel. What is so important about this “little book” that God would personally deliver it?

Winston Churchill was the last political watchman this world will ever see. In the book of Ezekiel God promised to send one last watchman-prophet just before the return of Christ! Do you know the message God is giving through His watchman-prophet?

The name of our college helps us remember what became of the work done through Herbert Armstrong.

The final prophecy Daniel gave discusses a spectacular clash of civilizations and world powers. This prophecy is about to be fulfilled, and it will directly affect your life!

January 2010 will mark the beginning of the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. What will this mean for your life?

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