Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Relying on a wealth of official documents and depositions submitted in federal courts, Raising the Ruins reveals the truth behind the shipwreck of the Worldwide Church of God and outlines the remarkable twists and turns of an unprecedented legal battle.

Recent government sex scandals have made big headlines. But sex problems are affecting all of America. Are you at risk?

Have we forgotten Germany’s history?

The scepter promise is the most inspiring prophecy in the Bible! Do you understand this prophecy and who is proclaiming it today?

God’s watchman gives God’s warning and inspiring hope in this end time. Do you know who God’s watchman is?

The Hubble telescope is showing the amazing size and beauty of the universe. Did you know your potential is to finish God’s universal creation?

The Roman Empire thrived when its citizens valued marriage and family. It fell when they stopped cherishing the family.

Paul faced many trials while in Caesarea. He also did many amazing works for God. What lessons can we learn from Paul in Caesarea?

The Prophet Amos spoke about a secret—God’s secret. What is that secret, and what does it mean for you?

How can you protect yourself and your family from today’s economic crisis? The Word of God gives you the key to financial success.

Do not underestimate it!

You are going to see the same kind of financial crises in other European countries. Here’s why.

In his epistle, James is addressing a problem within God’s first-century Church. However, James’s epistle is primarily prophecy for God’s true Church today, as well as the physical nations of modern Israel.

The continued warring in the Middle East is prophesied to intensify. Here are three prophecies to watch in the months ahead.

The seven angels of Revelation 2 and 3 are a mystery to this world. However, God has revealed the meaning and significance of these angels.

John’s Gospel deals with the most profound subjects in the Bible. Christ personally prepared John to write this deepest of Gospels. How well do you understand the Gospel of John?

Three of the most important yet overlooked keys to child rearing

You are going to see the same kind of financial crises in other European countries. Here’s why.

God prophesies in the book of Daniel about a coming clash between two world powers. The world war they provoke will be stopped by the return of Jesus Christ! Only a small group of people understands and proclaims this message today. Do you understand this mysterious message?

Jerusalem means “city of peace,” yet this city’s history has been filled with rivers of blood! But there is very good news. God established Jerusalem to be a city of peace—and will soon make sure it becomes so!

Matthew 25 contains Christ’s parable which likens the Kingdom of God to 10 virgins. Christ said that five of these virgins are wise and five are foolish. What does this parable mean for your life?

In Matthew 24, Christ’s disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” What is this sign that indicates the end of the age?

Politicians who think they know better than America’s founders are attacking the fundamental principles of the nation.

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