Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Why do 13 million children die of starvation and related causes every year? The answer is found in Revelation Chapter 6; it’s called the “Black Horse of Famine”. We hear his thundering hoofbeats every year; he’s galloping around the world! The cause of the Black Horse is a hidden famine; it’s what we “don’t” see that’s causing the Black Horse to ride! This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry speaks about the third horseman of Revelation 6 – the “Black Horse of Famine”.

What is the meaning behind the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? There is an invisible power that causes these Four Horsemen to ride! This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry talks about the second horseman of Revelation 6 - The Red Horse of War. Behind every major war there is an invisible war that we do not see. It is this invisible war that we must understand to stop the Red Horse of War.

We are living in a new and far more dangerous time on this Earth than ever before. Global terrorism will make this the worst hour ever in man’s history. The danger will acutely intensify until the hour is over. Thankfully, it will only last a very short time before Jesus Christ returns to stop the madness. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry explains how the war against terrorism will be won.

Anciently, the Prophet Daniel prophesied of an end-time “abomination of desolation.” In the very near future, the physical aspect of this dual prophecy will be fulfilled when Jerusalem is compassed with armies. But did you know that the spiritual aspect of this prophecy has already been fulfilled within God’s own Church? This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry exposes the spiritual “abomination of desolation.”

Today we hear many academic voices telling us that learning history is of little or no value. Yet, there is a law of history that tells us if we fail to learn from history, we are destined to repeat it. At the same time, if we learn from our past, we can be better prepared to face the future. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry discusses the importance of learning from history.

Education is something most people take for granted. We assume it is something that one acquires at school. Yet the recent knowledge explosion has done little to solve the problems of this world. What’s wrong with education today? More importantly, what is true education? This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry discusses how to become truly educated.

Man was put on Earth by the Creator God for a specific purpose, and that purpose directly involves ruling the universe. But man is only able to achieve his ultimate potential by developing the character of God. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry explains God’s transcendental purpose for mankind, this Earth and the entire universe.

Technological advancements over the past century have made space exploration an exciting reality. With the help of high-powered telescopes and space vehicles, man is able to travel into space and look farther into the mysterious universe than he ever thought possible. Yet, the more man explores the universe, the more questions he uncovers. Why does the universe exist? How did it come into being? What holds it together? And why is it in a state of decay? Will it remain that way? Will man ever conquer space? This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry explains man’s ultimate potential in the universe.

After the September 11th terrorist attack, HUMAN BODIES were raining down from above! It was all so savage and brutal that the media couldn’t even televise it. The recent murder of Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl by terrorists was also so violent that it could not be televised publicly either. How can we solve this terrorist problem? Well we can’t until we can understand the invisible terrorists behind the terrorism that we see! This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry will take a look at the invisible terrorists.

The recent elections in Russia moved President Vladimir Putin closer to being a dictator. Europe did not receive news of the election well. Their historically rooted fear of Russia will end up fulfilling key Bible prophecies. This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry will analyze the recent elections in Russia and how they fulfill key Bible prophecies.

While on Earth, Jesus Christ preached a message of hope — a Gospel. But today many are confused as to what this Gospel was. Many churches disagree on what message Christ preached. The word “gospel” means “good news.” The message Jesus preached is the only message that will fill us with lasting hope. Christ’s Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the greatest advance news humanity could possibly hear. This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry will explain what is the Kingdom of God.

There has probably never been a greater political watchman than Winston Churchill. His foresight saved the Western world from demise in World War II. Yet today, the West scorns his message. The biggest tragedy of World War II is that we didn’t learn from that shameful and near-fatal disaster. This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry explains why we must learn from history!

We recently passed the 40th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The news media devoted tremendous coverage to this event. At the time the assassination occurred, America, and to some extent the whole world, was deeply shocked and stunned. Few presidents have stirred and inspired American citizens as did John Kennedy. The day he died, many people lost their hope. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry will explain how this world desperately needs hope — and that there is only one way to achieve lasting hope.

Multiyear droughts, catastrophic wildfires, out-of-control deficits. Why is this happening to the Golden State? The answer will surprise you.

Human logic should show America and Britain that they can’t win the war against terrorism. But there is also a hidden reason why we can’t win—unless gigantic changes are made.

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