Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

World peace is coming, but it will not be brought about by any institution of man.

You won’t find it buried deep within a cave in South Africa.

We won’t understand what we are seeing unless we go back to the beginning.

Prayerfully study Mystery of the Ages along with your Bible—and get to know your heavenly Father.

What it says about the state of Britain today

Success is often determined by how well we learn from mistakes.

Prayerfully study Mystery of the Ages along with your Bible—and get to know your heavenly Father.

In America’s biggest cities, we are seeing a total breakdown of respect for law enforcement.

When King Edward I captured the Stone of Destiny in 1296, he immediately had a coronation chair built to contain the Stone. Why?

Did America win the war—or press the snooze button and go back to sleep?

When we talk about thinking deeply, we’re talking about letting the thoughts of God—the deepest thinker in the universe—rule our own thoughts.

Today, Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain’s longest-reigning monarch. The empire is long gone—but the world’s oldest throne remains.

When King Edward I captured the Stone of Destiny in 1296, he immediately had a coronation chair built to contain the Stone. Why?

Observing God’s creative handiwork in the physical creation can become one of your chief delights.

And every leader in Europe seems to have a different ‘solution’ for the crisis.

No society can survive the destruction of the God-ordained institution of family.

Local county official jailed for refusing to issue same-sex ‘marriage’ licenses

What it says about the state of higher education today

How long will the German people tolerate its government’s willingness to take in hoards of asylum-seekers?

No society can survive the destruction of the God-ordained institution of family.

An indifferent, pleasure-seeking world plunges heedlessly to its doom.

Germany has conquered Greece. The question is, who is next?

A look back at how Iran came to rule the region

Our eternal battle cry

And it can be yours—at no cost or obligation to you!

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