Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

There is an awesome purpose behind everything God does!

America’s status as the world’s lone superpower is rapidly fading and other nations are now vying to fill the void. Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and is now threatening to upgrade Russia’s nuclear arsenal. China has declared a cyber war against the United States. It has established a new international investment bank to challenge America’s economic supremacy. And it is also in the midst of a massive military buildup. Some Russian and Chinese media voices are now saying that war between the United States and China is not only possible—it’s inevitable!

How could Israelites ever be at war with Jews?

More compelling evidence that this is certainly not God’s world.

Could the Bible ignore the world’s greatest superpower—or the most dominant empire in history?

With the American superpower rapidly fading, biblical nations from the ‘north’ and ‘east’ are rushing to fill the void.

Which is why Jesus did not come to reform or save this world.

The world is definitely more dangerous than it was 20 years ago.

And Dylann Roof isn’t the only one.

This summer, we observe the 75th anniversary of that battle. It was a battle for freedom. It was a battle for London. It was THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN.

Rather than fight against a radical agenda, the Republican-controlled Congress keeps surrendering.

Blow the dust off your Bible—literally! Check the latest Trumpet Daily episode: “Inside the British Museum”

There is, in fact, one commandment that is more important than all the others.

The collection of the British Museum proves the Bible true many times over!

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