Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Number your days—make the most of your time with God and with your family.

The indispensable core quality of God’s perfect, holy, righteous character.

Amid all the praise for the ‘Rainbow Nation’s’ former president, much has been left unsaid.

Judging by the crowds outside Macy’s, you’d think so. But let’s look deeper.

Divided, troubled, deteriorating—that’s how most Americans describe the nation.

Germany is on the march—and achieving exactly what it wanted, but failed at, in two world wars.

Divided, troubled, deteriorating—that’s how most Americans describe the nation.

The dry spell in the western half of the country may be the worst in centuries.

This is the most important truth you can know!

The dry spell in the western half of the country may be the worst in centuries.

The gospel message Jesus proclaimed was about a ruling family government.

This is the most important truth you can know!

The gospel message Jesus proclaimed was about a ruling family government.

Are you willing to go all the way for God?

Remembering the most pivotal religious figure of the 20th century

Are you willing to go all the way for God?

A new study reveals that three-fourths of youths in the United Kingdom feel like they have nothing to live for.

Remembering the most pivotal religious figure of the 20th century

Herbert W. Armstrong’s signature prophecy is making headlines again.

A new study reveals that three-fourths of youths in the United Kingdom feel like they have nothing to live for.

Herbert W. Armstrong’s signature prophecy is making headlines again.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, Islamists are quickly filling the power vacuum left by the United States.

The former German defense minister calls out the Russian premier for his authoritarian agenda.

From the fall of Fallujah to civil war in Syria to the power vacuum in Libya to the race for a bomb in Tehran—we have entered a new era of chaos throughout the region.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, Islamists are quickly filling the power vacuum left by the United States.

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