Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

In Kiryat Malachi, Israel, a deadly Grad rocket attack killed three people and critically injured an 8-month-old baby. This week Israel launched a wide-scale military operation in Gaza called “Pillar of Defense,” in response to the numerous rockets coming out of Gaza in recent days.

Leading up to the U.S. election on November 6, many commentators predicted that young people wouldn’t turn out to vote like they did in 2008. As it turned out, those between 18 and 29 actually turned out in greater numbers than they did four years ago. One of the most revealing statistics from the exit polls this year has to be the impact that the young people had on the election.

Is it a worrying preview of much more to come?

Tensions along Israel’s borders are running high. Hamas has fired more than 140 rockets from Gaza into southern Israel over the weekend, and on Saturday four Israeli soldiers were injured after militants from Gaza hit their patrol jeep with an anti-tank missile. Yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The world must understand that Israel will not sit idly in the face of attempts to attack us …. We are prepared to intensify the response.”

It’s been two months since the terrorist attack in Benghazi and still many questions remain unanswered. The big news this weekend has been the sudden and shocking resignation of CIA director David Petraeus because of marital infidelity. According to some reports, FBI agents are furious that the decision to push Petraeus out was delayed until after the U.S. presidential election. Many others are also wondering why the resignation happened just one week before Petraeus was scheduled to testify before Congress about the Benghazi cover-up.

After President Obama’s reelection, expect America’s relationship with Israel to deteriorate.

One of the most interesting things about Hurricane Sandy was the timing of the storm. after the hurricane hit, it was the president—not Mitt Romney—who made headlines, particularly after his response to the hurricane received high praise from a Republican governor. Romney lost to the president by about 3 million votes overall. And according to exit polls from the election, 42 percent of voters said the president’s response to the hurricane played an important role in their decision.

After congratulating President Barack Obama on his reelection victory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the strategic alliance between Israel and the U.S. is stronger than ever. But the reality is, President Obama’s government has been the most hostile administration Israel has ever had to work with. Sixty-five percent of Israelis were hoping for a Romney victory. Now that that hasn’t happened, where does Israel go from here?

Some commentators in America are calling today’s election the most important election in more than a generation. But no matter which candidate wins, he will be facing enormous problems both at home and abroad. Both sides claim to have the solutions—and yet the problems continue to multiply, no matter which political party is in office. So what should we do? And how would Jesus Christ vote?

The Obama administration has been actively peddling the “mission accomplished” theme when it comes to Afghanistan. But it, like Iraq, has been a long and difficult struggle—and most Americans have grown tired of fighting a war that’s impossible to win. America’s leaders have responded by declaring victory so they can finalize an exit strategy, but the state in which we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan is anything but victorious.

It’s been almost two months since the terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya that resulted in the murder of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. When you consider the size and scope of that terrorist attack, and then the shameful cover-up that followed, it becomes apparent that most of the mainstream media has essentially blacked it out and ignored the scandalous part of this story.

Jerusalem is where Jesus Christ was crucified and then resurrected, and it’s also where He will soon reappear on this Earth. But before that, as so many prophecies point out, the conflict over this city will actually ignite a war that will engulf the entire world. From now on, as Herbert W. Armstrong said back in 1976, Jerusalem will be the focal point of world happenings. That is why we should keep our eyes on Jerusalem.

Who is “on the run”? Radical Islam—or America?

Over 3,000 years ago, the Philistines sent their champion warrior out into the Valley of Elah to taunt the armies of Israel day after day. It was a time when Israel needed a courageous leader to step forward and fight for God. But of all the best-trained warriors in Israel, none would stand up and fight this giant. In this program, Stephen Flurry recounts the history of David and Goliath and the epic battle in the Valley of Elah.

Why we should be watching the Holy City closely

With tensions along the Syrian-Turkish border riding high, you can see why Turkey’s role in the future of the Middle East is receiving such widespread news coverage. But as we’ve been telling you for two decades now, as far as this particular region is concerned, Iran is the nation to watch.

God rejected Saul as king over Ancient Israel because his heart wasn’t right with God. The Bible calls David, on the other hand, a man after God’s heart. He thought and acted like God! In this program, Stephen Flurry examines how to have a heart like God’s.

When you look into the life of Abraham and the promises God made to him, you find a powerful example of obedience and true worship. God says we must follow in Abraham’s steps if we are to inherit the same promises. In today’s program, Stephen Flurry reviews the promises God made to the father of the faithful.

The Sea of Galilee can be considered the most famous body of water in the world—at least in the world of Bible history. It was here that Peter was able to walk on water, as long as he kept his eyes on Christ. In this program, Stephen Flurry covers how looking to Jesus Christ will give us the ability and strength we need to overcome.

The city of Jerusalem was established over 3,000 years ago, and it seems everyone has an opinion on its history. But what does God have to say about Israel, and about Jerusalem? What are the origins of this city? In this program, Stephen Flurry covers the rich history between Jerusalem and the Jews.

How to coax a much higher yield from your most precious commodity.

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