
David Vejil

David Vejil is a regular contributor to

Can any world news analysis—including the Bible—ignore the Russians?

Great minds are contemplating this all-important question, and yet the answer has already been revealed.

The whole region has violently been turned upside down, and the tempest isn’t over yet. But to get a clear picture of the future you have to scan the past.

There wasn’t a civil war, and streets weren’t filled with mob riots. But Islam has taken over just the same.

There wasn’t a civil war, and streets weren’t filled with mob riots, but over the last decade a quiet Islamic takeover has occurred in Turkey. This revolution is finally starting to shake up the Middle East.

The Russians are identified in the Bible as descendants of Meshech and Tubal, and the majority of them are Slavic. But what about the Slavs of Eastern and Central Europe? The answer illuminates a crucial end-time prophecy.

German Chancellor Merkel’s proposal to save the euro was renamed and watered down, but it still established a new economic government modeled after German principles.

The ancient saying “All roads lead to Rome” is still true! Though this city’s history is celebrated, its future as revealed in the Bible shows we haven’t seen the last of Rome yet.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have presented a new plan to save the euro. Their solution? For everyone to be more German.

The scriptural, prophetic identity of the most populous nation on the planet.

It used to be that when the U.S. sneezed, the world caught a cold. That’s not so true anymore.

It underpins some of the strongest prophecies in the Bible!

How can you know which modern nations are referred to in ancient prophetic texts? Here is the first in a series of articles on the origins of modern peoples!

Less than a year after the German high court gave Berlin unprecedented powers to influence EU law, Germany is taking over the EU’s enlargement policy.

The German military is involved in yet another theater in the war against terrorism—another small but important step in a grand strategy.

The White House says the U.S. will reduce its involvement in the Middle East peace process if no progress is made. Bible prophecy says that is exactly what will happen.

Jan. 1, 2010, marks the start of a customs union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. This supranational alliance is an important step toward the creation of an even bigger and stronger Eastern alliance.

Recent wrangling over EU economic regulation is proving Britain to be a lightweight in the Union.

Asia made good progress toward creating an Asian trading community at the latest Asian summit.

The Czech president, who refuses to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, will not be able to stop the EU machine from rolling forward.

Europe’s report on the 2008 Georgia war legitimizes Russia’s actions, giving further proof of a German-Russian deal.

The world’s richest region is now Europe. It indicates where the world’s next superpower will come from.

The special relationship between America and Britain has soured. Will the breach be overcome?

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