Robert Morley

As certain Israeli politicians seek to sign away chunks of Israeli territory, the stones cry out about Israel’s link to the land and testify of the Bible’s authenticity.

Experts are feverishly crunching numbers and punching out calculations to see if the economy can last. They should be analyzing something else.

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were a warning from God. Seven years later, almost to the day, another crisis left the financial world teetering on the edge. But this one was self-inflicted.

If there was any doubt America’s financial system is broken, a news item from Bloomberg just shattered it.

Is the dollar’s recent strength a sign of returning economic health, or something very different?

Tough times are around the corner.

The armies of economic Armageddon continue their march while Germany and Russia strengthen ties. Plus, America welcomes North Korea back from the axis of evil.

Germany and Europe’s history is a series of crises and Germany’s crucial reactions to them. That history is not over yet.

The buy-now, pay-later age is ending.

$700 billion is a lot of money. Where is it all going to come from, and what will be the price?

A giant rift in monetary policy has left the U.S. and the rest of the West deeply divided. Is the European Union setting itself up to replace the U.S.?

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were a warning from God. Seven years later, almost to the day, another crisis left the financial world teetering on the edge. But this one was self-inflicted.

The proud United States capitalism experiment is withering under the test of time. Here’s why it is fundamentally flawed.

The Fannie and Freddie takeover shows the banking crisis is getting worse. What are the implications?

Experts are feverishly crunching numbers and punching out calculations to see if the economy can last—but maybe they should be analyzing something else.

Many of the world’s elite banking houses are tottering on the edge. What does this portend for the global economy?

America’s banking system is in collapse.

The administration’s recent apology shows a deep-rooted flaw in our cultural thinking. The solution to this problem ensures cultural preservation, beauty and strength.

Amid the global economic slump, Canada’s economy looks set to cool. Is it only a matter of time?

With American banks already in trouble, an Australian bank made matters worse—by telling the truth!

It doesn’t matter how many surfers there are in Australia—the coming surge of home foreclosures and bank failures will pulverize the economy. No one will be able to ride out this wave.

Dead zones, jellyfish plagues, penguins near the equator, and nonexistent fish: What are our troubled oceans trying to tell us?

The “greatest story never told” isn’t how rich we are, but how poor we are about to get. The age of “borrow now and pay later” is ending.

The collapse of America’s West Coast salmon fishery has an eerily familiar ring to it. Are the oceans dying?

The economy is going down, the cost of living is going up, divisions are growing wider. What happened the last time we were in this situation?

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