Robert Morley

Foreign debt has left America vulnerable to international blackmail; nations can threaten the economy and the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency.

The financial carnage is moving up the housing food chain as even borrowers with “good credit” begin to default in droves.

Politicians in British Columbia support terrorist organizations, flaunting a Supreme Court decision.

China is now diversifying its reserves away from the dollar. As a result, the dollar is weakening, and foreigners are scooping up American assets.

Mortgage rates are leaping as defaults, foreclosures and inventory rise. The economy is starting to hurt.

Although the prime minister claimed to preserve British “red lines,” last week’s surrender of British power could leave Britons debating whether the EU is the place for them.

Gas prices are shooting through the roof. Are alternative fuels the solution we’re looking for?

Former energy giant Britain is having to seek its juice elsewhere. Meanwhile, Germany is quietly becoming Europe’s new energy hub.

Global economic cooperation has a dark side.

Dark clouds are converging over America’s economy. Here are three scenarios on how they could develop into a serious storm that could hit you.

More powerful than a nuclear bomb, it is already vaulting Moscow back to superpower status. Europe is deeply troubled.

Your wealth is steadily evaporating. Why doesn’t a dollar stretch like it used to?

America depends on valuable resources from dubious sources.

German business is invading its neighbors through hostile takeovers.

More disorders are being diagnosed than ever before. Is there actually more disease, or is the medical field just expanding the definitions of disease?

The continual loss of ownership of the companies that helped make Britain great is a sad reminder of this nation’s fall from superpower status.

What the medical industry doesn’t want you to know

What skyrocketing CEO pay says about corporate leadership

A startling case study in higher education’s failure to produce leaders

An unpleasant look at today’s corporate leadership

Does an amazing new discovery show that the Bible is supported by science?

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