Dennis Leap

Obesity in America is now epidemic. Here is what can be done about this national health crisis.

It is time to wake up. The long-term effects of divorce are threatening the very life of the institution of the family.

America’s public education system is in decline. Here is why and what must be done about it!

Psychologists tell us that sibling rivalries are a normal part of family life. But where do you draw the line? Some siblings are actually killing each other! How are you tackling the problem of your children fighting?

Science is in a rush to decode the mysteries locked within human genes. Great promises are being made about the new research in human genetics. Will this new knowledge help or hurt us?

On March 12, the pope made a public apology for the universal church’s past faults and sins. His confession was seen as vague and inadequate. Which past sins? Certainly he must have included the sins of his predecessors.

This April marks five years since the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed. The Oklahoma City tragedy awakened Americans to the threat of domestic terrorism. As officials dedicate a memorial to those brutally killed, many Americans will ask, will it happen again?

We hear so much bad news about teens these days. It appears we are losing so many young lives to drugs, alcohol, illicit sex and violence. Can our teens be rescued? Yes! This article shows you how.

Has modern Christianity lived up to the ideals of its founder?

Some claim that witchcraft is the fastest growing religion in America. This article gives you vital information on this neo-pagan religious movement.

Americans do a great job at evangelism but a poor job at discipleship.

Is your child a gang member? “Absolutely not!” you say. Are you sure? Gang experts say many parents are in denial about their child’s gang association. This article discusses our national gang problem; what we can do about it, and how you can prevent your children from falling victim to gang violence.

Has the women’s liberation movement, so proudly praised for serving women, done a disservice to the family?

Leadership. It is the most read-about subject in business. It is the most talked-about theme in politics. It is the most needed commodity for today’s problem-choked world. Yet a true understanding of leadership remains ever elusive.There is a serious shortage of skilled leaders who can solve our world’s mounting problems. We must ask the all-important question, Why does our world lack leadership? There is a cause for every effect. There are reasons for our leadership deficit. Let’sanalyze several root causes.

Do you grasp the meaning behind today’s headlines? Editors, newscasters, journalists, reporters, and foreign correspondents admit they do not understand the meaning behind the news they report. But you can know! Here is how.

Heroin, one of the most powerfully addictive opiates known to man, is making a strong comeback in America. Here is the current status on America’s war on drugs and how you can prevent heroin from entering your house!

The Jonesboro tragedy focused our attention on a national problem years in the making. Our children are robbing us, assaulting us, raping us and even murdering us. Do we know how to stop youth crime?

Is there a connection between America’s tragic divorce rate and other growing national problems?