Andrew Miiller

A plan to steal the 2022 election is in motion.

Runaway inflation prompts investors to look for a more stable reserve currency.

‘If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have considered it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen ourselves.’

The Chinese Communist Party is preparing for a global famine.

Radical leftists are gearing up to steal the 2022 midterm elections.

A foreign power that controls the Caribbean Sea could cripple the U.S. economy.

How a world-renowned geneticist sold his country to Communist China

Violent crime in big cities is breaking all-time records.

Democrats want the feds to stop states from tightening voter security.

Corrupt oligarchs are selling America’s natural resource wealth for profit.

Case study: The first country built on the principles of critical race theory

Despite claims to the contrary, America’s inflation crisis will get much worse.

Today’s radical environmentalism is not ‘green.’ It’s red.

The coronavirus has been used as a catalyst for extreme social engineering.

You live in a country where leftists treat conservative parents like terrorists.

The intrepid settlers of Plymouth Colony endured by focusing on New Jerusalem.

Do the Democrats want to nationalize banking and digitize the dollar?

Radical environmentalists have designed their agenda to destroy the remaining rights of everyday citizens like you.

The twin pressures of inflation and supply shortages are hurting everyone. This is actually the way the radical left planned it.

You would never know it if you read the New York Times or Washington Post.

The economists behind the covid lockdowns are not champions of the poor.

The radical left wants to nationalize the Internet like the Soviets did utilities.

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