Andrew Miiller

How much are foreign powers using the drug trade to undermine America?

Is the Rainbow Nation entering phase two of a two-phase revolution?

It doesn’t take much imagination to visualize how the Biden administration could use mass surveillance as a weapon against the American people.

The Scientific American now claims it is racist to believe in Adam and Eve.

‘There is no better evidence that Big Tech is out of control than the fact that they banned the sitting president of the United States earlier this year.’

A growing number of radicals believe U.S. socialists need to join forces with foreign socialists to tear down America’s constitutional government.

‘Biden is destroying our country, and it all started with a fake election.’

An eco-terrorist may soon be in charge of America’s national forests.

Leftists are trying to blot out American values that trace back 4,000 years.

Why Google is censoring the Wuhan lab-leak theory

Everything is moving in the direction of violence and civil war.

A new kind of warfare is coming—whether the United States is ready or not.

The consequences of discarding morality are graver than most people realize.

The government considers white supremacy a greater threat than radical Islam.

Terrorists are already exploiting the anarchy on America’s southern border.

Some of the gruesome experiments done with government grants at prestigious universities are just as wicked as child sacrifice.

Anyone can see that America is bitterly divided today, and much of this division was caused by a former U.S. president still operating behind the scenes.

Georgia and Nevada may follow Maricopa County’s lead.

Many Britons want to abolish an institution that has existed for 3,000 years.

Instead of saving the planet, the infrastructure bill may help Chinese miners.

Investors are afraid the U.S. government will inflate away their Treasury holdings, so they are looking for a more stable reserve currency.

Hint: It is not to help you reconnect with your long-lost cousin from Colorado.

A sobering Bible prophecy indicates that it just might do so.

A little-known pact being negotiated between Washington and Brussels concerns the transfer of American sovereignty to globalist bodies outside the United States.

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