Andrew Miiller

Americans in counties with more broken homes are more likely to die from drug use.

Does the United States need ‘a million young Barack Obamas’?

A significant step in the ongoing experiment to reengineer family

Public trust in government institutions is falling fast.

How did an unverified, partisan propaganda report become a threat to undermine the Trump presidency?

All steps toward unity between Catholics and Lutherans are tremendously significant.

‘It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.’ –Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Even if South Africa does not repeat the disastrous policies of Zimbabwe, its inflammatory rhetoric will incite people to mass violence.

More than 10 percent of Venezuelans have already fled, and the nation is deteriorating rapidly.

By keeping Americans pitted against each other, Russian agents hope the United States will be too weak to counter their ambitions.

There is a reason for such horrific violence: America has turned away from God’s laws governing family life and private morality.

The natural world itself answers the question.

The Bible tells us why droughts and natural disasters occur, as well as what we can do to prevent them.

America must wake up: It can no longer borrow enormous amounts of money without shaking financial markets.

Vatican City is much more than the headquarters of a religion.

The most damaging conspiracy today is the one against fatherhood.

Scientists have cloned monkeys, but there is still something they don’t know about the value of life and the human mind.

Many economic policies in America today are promoted as kindness toward the poor. Are they really?

Confucius Institutes teach the Chinese language—alongside what one politburo member admitted is propaganda.

The destructive drug is enslaving many and enabling criminal organizations to infiltrate the country.

An Aztec death cult is the fastest-growing religion in the Americas.

Some, including the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, are stirring a college student revolt.

Collusion between U.S. gangs, Latin American cartels and Islamic terrorists is leading to the ultimate fulfillment of a sobering prophecy.

What’s behind the pope’s support for a two-state solution?

A group that promoted Communist dictatorship in Germany is now rising to prominence in the United States.

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