Richard Palmer

Whatever the final death toll, it is already clear the economic toll will be immense.

European leaders are known for taking advantage of crises—and they have one on their hands.

The UK leaving the European Union was foretold in the Bible! What does this source of advance news say will follow?

A powerful example of how quickly a strongman can take over in crisis

The final death toll of coronavirus is unknown. But it’s already clear it will have a massive economic toll.

The virus threatens a massive economic crisis.

Events in Germany that led to Hitler’s rise are happening again.

The Munich Security Conference teaches us something critical about U.S.-German relations.

Leaderless Germany fears parallels with Nazi Germany.

Prince Harry’s dramatic announcement has brought culture wars into the heart of the royal family.

After years of uncertainty in Spain’s politics, and more expected, the death of democracy is imminent in Europe.

A tour of European nations shows democracy on its deathbed.

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