Richard Palmer

Massive trade deals with South America and Africa give Europe the resources it needs.

The world is agitating for another, even more horrific Holocaust.

The European Union is besieging Switzerland—and it will have global implications.

Europeans are turning against mainstream moderates—and toward more radical alternatives.

Recent studies prove a stunning truth about postwar Germany, and illuminate that nation’s present and future.

Why you need to understand this historic new deal

The press is acting like it.

Governments are falling in North Africa again. The resulting storms could wreak havoc.

And why we won’t win it again.

And Angela Merkel travels the world with a dismal warning.

The far right win in Italy and France. Germany, the UK and Austria are in political chaos. What’s next for Europe?

Theresa May announces her resignation.

Attacks target Saudi Arabia’s primary and backup methods for exporting oil.

Across the pond, Europe has its own Russia collusion scandal.

This time, it’s not prospectors looking for precious metals—it’s central banks.

Be careful what you tweet for.

Christians and foreigners targeted in coordinated bombings.

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