Richard Palmer

Germany is not to blame for World Wars i and ii. Instead Germans should celebrate ‘1,000 Years of German Empire—Our History, Our Achievements, Our Pride.’ Welcome to the new German history.

Where new plans for a eurozone budget are leading

Why the Brexit chaos contains a warning for the whole world

It’s all change in German leadership, as csu chairman Horst Seehofer announces he’ll be stepping down.

What the nato exercises in Norway tell us about the future of Europe

Europeans ‘no longer need national armies.’

‘We will not protect the Europeans unless we decide to have a true European army.’

Is the end of austerity really good news?

Europe’s leadership vacuum becomes more acute.

Understand the past of these powerful friendly enemies, and you will better see their future.

Why Merkel’s departure is a momentous and exciting moment

Sunday’s election seems set to hand the chancellor another defeat.

When the imf warns of global recession, we should pay attention.

This week could sink hopes for a Brexit deal—and Britain’s government.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is no longer in politics. But a major shake-up in the csu and a crisis in German politics could help persuade him to return.

Germany is forging new relations with countries across the Middle East. Why?

As British and American maritime dominance ebbs, a new power rolls in.

Nuclear nonproliferation efforts are ending. A new arms race has begun.

Does the mainstream media always speak the truth?

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