Richard Palmer

It’s clear that the world is militarizing. That trend is set to continue into 2018.

Does Russian President Vladimir Putin really have a pattern of evil on the level of Joseph Stalin?

Even a cursory understanding of Europe’s history should also cause people to take note of what is happening.

EU foreign policy chief: Europe is forced to act in Jerusalem to preserve peace.

Europe’s bureaucrats are so certain of their rightness they can’t imagine anyone could have all the facts and still disagree with what they’re doing.

Political trends in Europe right now are tracking remarkably close to the Bible’s prophecies.

And all it did was confirm America’s lack of willpower.

Europe has a history of authoritarian leadership. The crises plaguing the Continent today will result in the strongest strongman of all.

Germany’s main left- and right-wing parties again attempt to build a coalition.

North Korea’s latest missile test is the latest demonstration of American weakness.

Why thousands ran from nothing, in the heart of London

Germany has a new solution for its election problems, while major news outlets say there’s nothing to worry about. Is everything fine in Germany?

Britain has a long history of Thanksgiving, but we’re more excited about shopping.

Europe’s rock of stability is now in unprecedented turmoil. What’s next?

Europe’s rock of stability is now in unprecedented turmoil. What’s next?

Europe’s strongest nation joins a major military initiative, increases weapons sales to Middle East.

Don’t let the European Union’s bureaucratic rhetoric distract from the building of a united military

A small group of European Union nations is beginning to create a new military superpower.

Will Mr. Trump have to persuade Asia not to use its ‘financial weapon’?

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