Richard Palmer

France’s most popular politician believes the ‘German Empire is back’—and that it must be confronted.

On Sunday, the Islamic State came within a whisker of blowing up the pope.

Russia has a new best friend in Latin America.

After the dust settles, watch for the prophesied break between Syria and Iran.

America’s decision to allow Russia to oversee the dismantling of Syria’s chemical weapons has failed, like so many of the previous administration’s Middle Eastern peace initiatives.

Could Europe’s engine of growth stall?

The Brexit negotiations have turned nasty already.

Concern over a Trump-Putin friendship is misplaced. Instead, watch for the global order to be overturned by a different relationship.

America’s new protectionism is forcing Latin America to seek new partners.

Trumpet analysts Brad Macdonald and Richard Palmer discuss what happens next.

Why you should be concerned about the protests in Russia

Geert Wilders didn’t lose. Instead, he’s part of a dangerous trend sweeping Europe.

Trumpet analysts Brad Macdonald and Richard Palmer discuss the new Scottish referendum.

The survival of the United Kingdom is once again at risk.

The EU creates ‘the nucleus of a future European army.’

EU leaders say Europe needs a defense union so it can be a ‘superpower.’

Many say the EU’s latest push for a combined military is doomed to fail. Are they right?

The latest outburst reminds Germany that it needs a real solution to the migration crisis.

Even a modest boost to German defense spending means radical changes to the world order.

America’s new protectionism is forcing Latin America to seek new partners.

Europe doing more means Germany doing more.

Czech Republic and Romania are sending major chunks of their armies to the Bundeswehr.

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