Richard Palmer

America has the most expensive military in the world. That doesn’t necessarily mean it has the strongest. Here’s why.

Russia once again deliberately snubs America, this time by bombing U.S. allies in Syria, despite the presence of U.S. fighter jets.

Is Britain now out of the EU? Will Scotland leave? The Trumpet answers your questions about the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote.

Germany and China form a ‘new alliance’ to work together abroad.

Watch the Brexit vote today. Whichever way it goes, it could mark a turning point for Europe and the world.

Europe could be in the early stages of a geopolitical earthquake.

After the Paris attacks, Europe’s calls for a combined military could finally happen.

There could be big economic and geopolitical implications.

How America helped create the European Union

Terrorist groups are more capable than ever. The unthinkable could already be unavoidable.

Democrats, Republicans and even Donald Trump share a fatal flaw.

Dutch tanks are now under German command—preparing the way for a German-led multinational tank division and a European army.

Europe is changing its financial regulations in a way that invites catastrophe.

Europe seeks to confront a dangerous world by shortening the nuclear fuse.

How will Europe respond now that terror attacks are the new normal?

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