Richard Palmer

What is brewing in Europe is ‘far more dangerous to America than terrorism.’

A smaller EU with its own army can already be seen on the horizon.

Germany’s relationship with its military is changing before your eyes.

France doesn’t look to America for help, but instead turns to the European Union.

Germany’s former defense minister says that Europe’s leaders must be stronger, even as he begins his own political comeback.

What Britain’s rapturous reception of President Xi shows about its future

The world is becoming a more dangerous place, and the blame largely rests with America.

The world is becoming a more dangerous place, and the blame largely rests with America.

Experts are seeing a new Europe forming—a Europe Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied decades ago.

Germany has conquered Greece. The question is, who is next?

The Europe you see emerging today increasingly matches the Europe forecast by Herbert W. Armstrong.

One of Herbert W. Armstrong’s most important predictions is being fulfilled before your eyes!

The way that Greece has been manhandled this past week is exposing a new Germany.

A German blitzkrieg force in Poland symbolizes Europe’s new military direction.

Greece’s ‘no’ vote directly threatens Germany. Watch how Germany responds in the latest round of the eurocrisis.

Yet more signs that the two are working together

The Obama administration is applauding itself for killing the Monroe Doctrine. But in truth, this foreign-policy pillar has helped America survive—and its death puts the nation itself at risk.

And why the euro is incompatible with democracy

The pope releases his most radical document yet.

Everyone’s talking about Europe’s economy. But at the heart of the crisis is a very different problem.

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