Richard Palmer

The French choose right.

A summary of the latest WikiLeaks revelations on nuclear terrorism

The U.S. and Germany hid Nazis.

Phase one of Germany’s redesign of the euro is complete. Now for phase two.

Whoops! Right under everyone’s noses, they scored a monopoly on a rare resource we all use. In a swoop, this could bring the world to its knees.

How the pope is making the Catholic Church think more like he does.

Russia ropes another errant country back into the fold.

A lack of will leaves America vulnerable.

One of mankind’s ugliest environmental disasters—and how it will be fixed!

Politicians embracing anti-immigration platforms are proving that the right wing is all the rage.

Far from being a show of strength, America’s joint military exercises with South Korea show that it will not stand up for its allies.

Europe claims it is trying to help African, Caribbean and Pacific nations out of the goodness of its heart. Its critics claim that it is using trade to take over.

At the G-20 summit last weekend, President Obama praised Britain’s budget cuts as ‘necessary and courageous action.’ However, Britain has the highest budget deficit in the G-20.

What caused Greece’s financial demise? Was it suicide? Accidental death? Neither. Media detectives are off the track. Something sinister is afoot. A master criminal is at work.

The surge of fringe right-wing groups is a sign of things to come.

Is Greece’s economic collapse a case of accidental death, suicide, or something more sinister?

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