Jeremiah Jacques

Just as Herbert W. Armstrong forecast

Russian submarines are rehearsing tactics that could ‘wreak havoc’ on their enemies.

China and Russia are pulling levers from behind the scenes to accomplish a strategic goal.

How much is freedom worth?

‘This seems to be the new normal in California.’

The Land of the Morning Calm has intensifying impetus to build the bomb.

Another step in Japan’s quiet march toward remilitarization

‘The message since 2018 is that Japan was kind of the punching bag.’

The agreement will add yet another weld bead to the bond that joins these two Asian behemoths together.

‘We could lose the next war before we even begin.’

Taiwan is growing more diplomatically isolated, and China’s quest to dominate vital shipping lanes in the South Pacific is advancing.

When the world is under righteous government, weapons of death will be converted into tools of life.

As the pillars of the U.S.-led global order continue to weaken, Asian states will increasingly succumb to Chinese intimidation.

China and Russia are pulling levers from behind the scenes to accomplish a cherished goal.

China’s tightening grip should concern ‘anyone in any country.’

Putin’s quest to reconstruct the Soviet Empire continues, sometimes just a few acres at a time.

Russia’s ability to rally this ‘curious set of bedfellows’ together is a testimony to the power of Putin’s leadership and influence.

‘I will even appoint over you terror …. [A]nd ye shall flee when none pursueth you.’

A new agreement for access to a Cambodian naval base represents a massive victory for China and a significant loss for the United States.

Fifty years ago this summer, the world looked to the heavens and wondered, ‘What is man?’

The Communist Party of China is using its mix of rapid aggression and official denials to change the facts on the ground.

More evidence that China is ‘steering the world toward war.’

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