Jeremiah Jacques

Language doesn’t just express thought, it can also influence it. Purify the language, and you can help purify thoughts and actions.

As the U.S. dithers over whether to intervene in crisis-torn Venezuela, the arrival of Russian forces has significantly strengthened the position of dictator Nicolás Maduro.

The last Soviet-era leader has stepped down, but a more perilous age is here.

The same officer whose methods were used to annex Crimea is calling for Russia to rearm in peacetime.

‘China is steering the world toward war.’

‘Can the guardian be trusted?’

‘The Ukraine debacle has taken us a giant step closer to World War iii.’

The United Nations has ruled that Britain must give up the strategically vital Chagos Archipelago, and Bible prophecy shows that it will likely do so soon.

Report comes days after negotiations collapsed between North Korea’s leader and U.S. President Trump.

Bible prophecy gives a detailed description of the spark that will ignite the next and final world war.

The Russia-China alliance is reshaping the world.

Human beings killed the Kali Bein—then one tried to bring it back.

Will Britain give up yet another ‘sea gate’?

Increasing provocations from Moscow will have a worrying effect on the nations of Europe.

‘We are baffled by the U.S. inaction.’

Even if the people of Belarus do not desire it, the world’s most powerful dictator has several good reasons to make it happen.

‘The towers, illegal barbed-wire fences and other artificial barriers are part of an everyday battle of the occupying force against locals.’

This troubling trend fulfills a specific Bible prophecy.

Reinforces claims of sovereignty over disputed strategic territory

‘The steadfast denials of a military alliance dynamic here are not based on the evidence.’

A foreign power that controls the Caribbean Sea could cripple the U.S. economy.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy is rapidly maturing.

‘Transformational changes’ in military priorities are enhancing Beijing’s ability to flex its muscles far beyond China’s borders.

Is the ability to ‘speak in tongues’ evidence that a person has received the Holy Spirit?

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