Jeremiah Jacques

With India now a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russia may soon be calling more of the shots.

Will the two powerhouse nations soon enter into a formal alliance?

Though unintentionally, North Korea is greatly aiding China’s drive to dominate the South China Sea.

Analysts say the frictions are raising the specter of nuclear war.

The incident comes during a time of rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The change in leadership may lead to a clash between South Korea and the United States.

The launch signals China’s increasing military might and its determination to safeguard its territorial claims.

After the U.S.’s unsuccessful pivot to counter China, many of America’s allies feel forced to reorient themselves alongside Beijing.

Normally when a person is hated, he hates right back. Not Daryl Davis.

Cambodia is among the latest of several Asian nations to switch partnerships from America to China.

The latest bold move by Vladimir Putin to rebuild the Soviet empire.

‘The tension over the disputed territory in the South China Sea is about to escalate to another level.’

Will the Nippon Kaigi group steer Japan into a repetition of World War II-era nationalism?

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