Jeremiah Jacques

Britain’s surrender of Cyprus and other strategic sea gates in recent decades is among the most powerful proofs of the country’s biblical identity.


‘In less than 100 years we are seriously depleting what took nature more than 10,000 years to fill.’

The UK and U.S. have surrendered many strategic sea gates in recent decades. Will another one soon bite the dust?

The weight loss industry has grown fatter than ever, feeding off our desire for a quick fix. Can diet lead to long-term health and fitness?

More people are in slavery today than there have been at any time in human history.

The royal baby’s birth has captured global attention, but few understand the true importance—both past and future—of the throne to which he is heir.

But the liberating answer to that question is available for free!

Before the Islamic incursion, much of this region was almost completely populated by Christians. Now the last vestiges of Christendom are fleeing in droves.

Post-war Europe has championed itself as a bastion of human rights, but is now compromising in that area.

From a simple cost-benefit perspective, even failed terrorist attacks are spectacularly successful at draining America economically.

The catch to the Mars One project

It’s either the biggest megaproject Latin America has seen in over a century, or the largest political ploy in the continent’s history.

One of history’s most influential and pivotal popes may be accomplishing his greatest works from the grave—but not in the way the Vatican claims.

As the U.S. decline accelerates, Chinese firms are gobbling up the country’s real estate, farming, energy resources and more.

Answer: Nuclear saber-rattling

The skirmish between Taiwan and the Philippines could push Taipei away from the U.S. and into Beijing’s eager arms—fulfilling a long-awaited geopolitical prediction.

What’s behind mankind’s deep-rooted urge to explore and push beyond what is known?

Will the claim persuade Japan to cede less important territory to China?

Are the nuclear scales tipping in Moscow’s favor?

Langley Intelligence Group says yes, and Bible prophecy agrees.

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