Anthony Chibarirwe

Al Shabaab terrorists’ discriminatory atrocity in Kenya tells the beginnings of a future ‘holy’ war.

Further evidence of Solomon’s mines (and empire) has surfaced.

The Syria crisis exposes the perilous method this world often uses to solve important problems.

Sexually transmitted diseases in the United Kingdom keep soaring in spite of public sex education. What could be wrong?

Stolen radioactive material is out there.

Brazil’s upgraded economic status is forcing it to form a partnership with the EU that has prophetic implications.

Just how ‘moderate’ is Iran’s recently inaugurated president?

Will tension in Tunisia lead to another Arab Spring?

‘Terrorists and criminals will try to exploit any vulnerability in the global security system.’

What the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s successor means for Iranian politics.

Should America keep arming Egypt?

The race for armaments by both sides in the Syrian civil war will likely lead to the collapse of the Assad regime.

The homosexual rights movement successfully attacks the Boy Scouts of America.

Discrimination by the Internal Revenue Service reveals how far-reaching anti-Israel sentiments are in the U.S. administration.

An effect of a three-year drought

European Commission president pushes for ‘intensified political union.’

Electronic misinformation as an economic weapon?

So much for America’s ‘special relationship’ with Britain.

Why so little coverage of Philadelphia’s ‘House of Horrors’?

Slowly but surely, Syrian rebels are increasingly gaining international support. It’s only a matter of time before the Assad regime collapses.

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