Callum Wood

A historic moment—Russian bombers use Iran for the Syria campaign.

Is this good news or bad news for Western efforts to curtail China’s rise?

China ramps up the rhetoric against Australia, but will it amount to anything?

What was once restricted to the realm of fiction and fantasy is now reality, and the U.S. is already losing.

The most expensive warship ever built can’t go to war.

Beijing’s aggression is leading the world down the path to war.

More proof crying out, ‘Do not trust Iran!’

Iraq armed with fake equipment

The carrier may do more harm than good.

Why Iran should fear a post-Britain EU

Hezbollah supplies the proof; the U.S. ignores it.

Revoking a Shiite cleric’s citizenship ignites public furor.

Consolidating power in the Panama Canal

The geopolitical significance of an age-old rivalry

The Iraqi offensive is quickly becoming Tikrit 2.0.

Islamist rampage at homosexual club in Orlando, Florida, marks the most devastating terrorist attack in the U.S. since 9/11.

A look inside Australia’s federally funded terrorist recruitment centers

The U.S. is making futile efforts to curtail Afghan violence.

America has become desensitized to the value of human life.

But one source saw where it would lead.

Understanding the push for a technocratic Iraqi parliament

The latest in a long list of provocations

Introducing the sixth member of the cyber superpower club

China is successfully manipulating the economies of Australia and New Zealand for its own gain.

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