Abraham Blondeau

Will there be more fraud in the midterm elections?

Asia is uniting around Vladimir Putin.

Eighty-year anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal

Foreign students practice espionage in the United States.

What is the real cause of depression?

Emission targets will destroy the agricultural industry.

An fbi investigation confirms Chinese technology is a national security threat.

Another strategic region the United States has lost

The tragic fruits of broken families

Why are fewer Americans joining the armed forces?

Why does drug use open the mind to violent behavior?

The real history of the plot that brought down a duly elected president

The radical left controls the nation’s intelligence apparatus.

The beginning of a prophetic shift in the Middle East

A chilling look at when government and society collapse

A recent discovery recalls one of history’s most epic adventures of exploration and survival.

Is Russia’s war at sea a preview of Bible prophecy?

Decriminalizing drugs is causing fatal problems.

The epic decline of the British royal family

The country’s true identity is nearly lost.

The real reasons why America is facing so many disasters

A growing economic relationship to undermine America

The Falklands War was the last moment Britain had pride in its power.

If a coffee app knows where you sleep, work and travel, who else does?

Violent crime is consuming America.

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