Shocking news—most Europeans (and their leaders) actually agree with ‘wicked’ Donald Trump

The stage is being set for a clash between progressive European values and American cold-heartedness – but there are two problems with the general idea. The first is that many EU leaders are coming around to Mr Trump’s way of thinking, and the other is that, in many areas, European popular opinion is firmly on his side.

Take his notorious decision to ban immigration from various Muslim countries. Even to raise such a proposal would shock most of those at the G20, and it’s generally taken to be a policy that proves the blackness of Mr Trump’s heart.

But if European voters disagree with him, it’s more likely to be because they don’t think he goes far enough. A survey by Chatham House this year showed that a majority in Austria, France, Germany, Greece and Italy would support a blanket ban on all immigration from Muslim countries. In Poland, which Mr Trump visited first, almost three quarters of the public would back a ban.

This does filter through into politics. A few weeks ago, Slovakia’s prime minister declared that Islam has “no place” in his country. The Czech Republic has told the EU it will not take any Muslim asylum seekers.

Mark Rutte only won re-election in the Netherlands after telling immigrants to “behave normally or go away”. They might not say this on Twitter, but the language is as shocking as anything coming out of the White House.