Cowardice allows Muslim extremism to thrive

The scale of Britain’s problem with Islamic extremism has been graphically illustrated by what happens to Muslims who fight it.

St Stephen’s is a secular state primary school in a largely Pakistani and Bangladeshi community in east London. Its results are among the best in England. Its head teacher, Neena Lall, decided with her chairman of governors, Arif Qawi, that children under the age of eight should be banned from wearing the Islamic headscarf in class. They also stopped children fasting on school premises during Ramadan in case they became unwell.

Lall was alarmed that very few pupils thought of themselves as British. She felt an obligation to teach them British values. So what was the reaction to this admirable stand against religious extremism? Qawi was forced out as chairman of governors and Lall was likened to Hitler. Five local councillors said that the headscarf ban would leave pupils “victimised, intimidated and threatened when practising their faith”. Nearly 20,000 people signed a petition calling for the ban to be lifted. Last week Lall was forced to apologise and reverse the policy…

The reason for this abdication of responsibility is cowardice. The government is too frightened to deal with those who either promote or wink at non-violent Islamic extremism. Why is it so frightened? Because its deepest fear is that such groups or individuals may have a critical mass of support.

We are repeatedly told that the vast majority of Britain’s Muslims are moderate. We must hope so; but from the way the community has treated Sara Khan and the head and former chairman of governors at St Stephen’s school, it would appear that Muslims who fight extremism are a most beleaguered minority.