What that Farrakhan picture tells us about anti-Semitism

A photograph has suddenly surfaced of president Barack Obama, when he was a state senator in 2005, posing smilingly with Louis Farrakhan, the demagogue leader of the black power Nation of Islam…

What’s amazing is that anyone is amazed by this. The links between Obama and Farrakhan were always visible for anyone who looked. In 2005 he took part in Farrakhan’s Million Man March. His pastor, Jeremiah Wright, was a close Farrakhan ally…

From the time Obama first came to national prominence, there was ample evidence that his worldview and social and professional associations, including Farrakhan, indicated he posed a danger to America, the rule of law and the State of Israel. I wrote about this repeatedly.

All who did so, however, were brushed aside and told we were racist for criticizing Obama. This was because of the left-wing doctrine that black people are intrinsically powerless and so could never be responsible for bad deeds.