New DNC lawsuit could expose their attack on Trump

That brings us to the recent lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee alleging an illegal conspiracy by President Trump, the 2016 Trump campaign, Republican strategist Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, WikiLeaks, and others with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. Central to the conspiracy was the purported hacking by the Russian government of the DNC’s computers and the dissemination of the hacked emails to harm Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

The DNC is trying to break new legal ground. Apparently it believes that losing a political campaign is grounds for money damages or something. The legal basis for recovery is murky at best. …

Assuming the case survives a motion to dismiss for failure to state a valid legal claim, the DNC has just opened itself up to civil discovery by the defendants, who can now compel the production of documents and other physical things, and take the depositions of DNC officials, employees, associates, candidates, operatives, and others. In short, the DNC has just invited the defendants to peruse its most deeply held secrets.