China looks intent on starting a new Cold War with the West

Nor is China’s unhelpful attitude towards Washington confined to issues relating to its own backyard. Beijing has launched a number of diplomatic initiatives in other parts of the world that put it at odds with American policymaking.

When, for example, the US imposed a number of punitive sanctions against Moscow for its various attempts to undermine the Western alliance, the Chinese responded by launching a new era of diplomatic, military and commercial engagement with Moscow, prompting one senior Chinese diplomat to remark that relations between the two countries were now at “the best level in history”…

A distinct pattern is starting to emerge whereby, whenever the Trump administration finds itself facing a major challenge, Beijing can almost be guaranteed to adopt a position that causes Washington the maximum discomfort. And, if this is the approach Mr Xi is going to adopt in his future dealings with the West, then the US and its allies need to wake up to the implications of Beijing’s uncooperative attitude.