SCOTUS: Discriminate against Christians, subtly

[T]he Supreme Court just gave a narrow victory to a Christian man abused by Colorado bureaucrats who likened his choosing to not decorate a wedding cake to be used in a celebration of a gay marriage to the behavior of Nazis and racists. This man, Jack Phillips, is a Christian. He serves all sorts of people in his cake shop, but he didn’t want his art used at a gay wedding because it violated his Christian conscience…

Can an artist be forced to make a creation for use in any way? The Supreme Court didn’t decide that Monday. It took the weasel way out and indicted the behavior of Colorado’s civil rights court instead. The unelected local jackboots displayed religious bigotry when deciding the case. The court finding doesn’t decide  1) whether the commission to define acceptable behavior should exist or 2) whether a government entity should be telling a citizen who he is allowed to make his creation for, but that the tribunal was unfair and used bigoted language to describe a man who was following his religious conscience.

The government bureaucracy cannot be mean to people who are sincerely exercising their religious belief. Can the commission nicely or more subtly put a Christian out of business? Probably. The Supreme Court left that question, and more, unanswered…

Everyone will be back in court again. Depending on public polling, Christians will lose. Freedom of religion will lose and be subsumed by the greater and more vague religion based on the whimsical public mores: Political Correctness.

Already Christians, and all traditional religionists — conservative Jews, Muslims — have lost. They’re having to explain themselves to a government commission deciding if they possess enough good think.