Now that Brexit is complete, it’s time to strengthen the Anglosphere

A new world order demands a new geo-political thinking. The EU now will face a massive tax burden as British contributions dry up, and with that, potentially British security patrols in the Baltics. This will likely lead to a further push for forced financial centralization and a European army, which will fuel further national secessionist tendencies, and the rift between North and South Europe.

Not to mention the inevitable clash of interests between the United States and the EU. Two suns can be in the same sky only in a Star Wars film. In geopolitical reality, two power centers will inevitably compete. Washington and London should take note of that.

The Anglosphere needs to be renewed and strengthened. Trade deals with America and Australia are an urgent priority. The combined economic and military potential of the United States, U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can overwhelm any other trade bloc or geopolitical power. Add likeminded countries, such as Japan, India, and Singapore, and you have a powerful bloc incomparable in human history—one that values national sovereignty, but can pull together research and development, military might, and financial power.