Trump flips 9th Circuit court and gets a huge win in his quest to defund Planned Parenthood

For the last forty years, at least, conservative media and thinkers have lamented the absolutely ridiculous rulings that have come out of the “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Many of those rulings targeted Christians, maliciously removing religious symbols and forcing pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion clinics. More recently, the 9th Circuit tried to stop Trump’s travel ban, a ruling that was slapped down by the Supreme Court (a common occurrence). But the long reign of terror by the fruits and nuts on the California court appears to be finally over, thanks to President Trump…

For the first time I can recall, I’m able to report that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has finally ruled correctly, deciding on Monday that the Trump administration has every legal right to continue stripping federal funding from the baby butchery known as Planned Parenthood.