NJ governor declares bill of rights ‘above his paygrade’

In what might be Tucker Carlson’s finest hour, he nailed New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to the wall with one simple question. “By what authority do you nullify the Bill of Rights?” he asked in response to the governor’s decision to arrest and charge fifteen men worshipping in a synagogue in violation of his executive order. Murphy dodged the question three times and refused to answer, other than to say the question is “above my paygrade” and “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” You’re kidding? 

America is quickly devolving into an unrecognizable police state where we are being told our unalienable rights are completely disposable in a time of crisis. This is simply not what “shall not be infringed” means by any stretch of the imagination. We have been shut down indefinitely, kept away from our houses of worship with no end in sight and given constantly moving goalposts based on spotty numbers by experts no one elected to dog catcher, let alone sole authority over Americans’ civil liberties.