Bombshell docs: The FBI closed its case exonerating Gen. Flynn. Strzok and Mueller kept it going

The documents released from the Justice Department are coming at warp speed and today’s tranches are more disturbing than the last.

The latest batch of documents reveals that Special Counsel Robert Mueller hid exculpatory evidence absolving General Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing in the Russia spy hoax.

A flummoxed Senator Charles Grassley wondered why Mueller was sitting on these documents.

Did Mueller have these docs? Why did his team sit on them? What else is Mueller team that cost taxpayers $30+ million hiding? The ppl deserve answers 2restore faith in federal law enforcement agencies

Other documents unveiled today show that the FBI had ended its investigation of the three-star general, clearing him of any wrongdoing, only to have FBI investigator Peter Strzok re-open it with the intent, we discovered in Wednesday’s documents, of framing Flynn. The name of the operation was “Crossfire Razor,” an offshoot of the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, aka Trump-Is-a-Russian-Secret-Agent hoax.

Catherine Herridge of CBS News said “Crossfire Razor” was to be closed because no negative information had been found on Flynn.