Progressives have gotten a lot of what they want in 2021—so why are they still so miserable?

Progressives should be pretty content right now. The Biden administration is using all their preferred talking points and enshrining them into the administrative state. Whether it is systemic racism, equity, the climate crisis, or “justice” related to any of the priorities of progressives, the phrases fall from the mouth of Joe Biden in almost every speech that he diligently reads off the teleprompter. Equity, trans rights, and climate mandates have been enshrined in every executive order someone wrote for him to sign.

The military took a 60-day standdown to root out “white supremacy,” and the Biden DOE will indoctrinate our children with critical race theory and the rewritten history of America in the 1619 Project. The Senate has confirmed Biden’s most radical nominees to lead federal agencies and wrongthink is being punished as the “insurrectionists” of January 6th are held in solitary confinement. Anarchists rule the streets of Portland and Minneapolis without interference from law enforcement. A jury convicted former officer Derek Chauvin on all three counts for the death of George Floyd. Progressives should be thrilled. Their revolution is proceeding apace.

However, they are still miserable. From the commentary in the corporate media to progressive darling Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to activists on the street, it is never enough. Utopia is just out of reach, and more must always be done. This narrative of perpetual crisis has consequences that could turn into an actual tragedy, but few people are talking about it. What follows is a severe problem that needs a solution, not an opportunity to mock people.