Ouch… Obama really doesn’t think much of Joe Biden

We’ve heard about what Barack Obama reportedly thinks about Donald Trump from Edward-Isaac Dovere’s new book Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, but Obama also had some things to say about Joe Biden… and they aren’t very flattering.

According to The Daily Mail, which has previewed Dovere’s book, Obama was “dubious” about Biden’s presidential aspirations in 2016. “Obama, for his part, went from assuring his aides not to worry, that his vice president was just working out his grief at his son’s [Beau’s] death by entertaining the fantasy of running for president, to becoming worried that Biden was actually getting lost in his fantasy.” In the summer of 2015, Obama told his aides to give Biden time to grieve, but by September was “ordering them to go and meet with Biden to jolt some sense into him, to stop him from getting himself hurt and embarrassing Obama as he did so.”

David Plouffe, one of Obama’s inner circle, told Biden: ‘Mr Vice President, you’ve had a great career, you’ve been such an asset to this administration – and we love you.

‘Do you really want it to end in a hotel room in Des Moines, coming in third to Bernie Sanders?’