National Trust chairman quits amid revolt over charity’s ‘woke’ agenda

Tim Parker’s decision to quit was announced just 24 hours after a rebel group of members set out plans to oust him

The chairman of the National Trust has resigned amid a growing revolt among its members over the charity’s “woke” policies.

Tim Parker’s decision to quit was announced just 24 hours after a rebel group of members set out plans to force him out at this year’s annual general meeting.

Members, MPs and ministers have grown increasingly concerned over the Trust’s leadership after it published report last September into the links between its properties - including the home of Winston Churchill - and the UK’s colonial and slavery past.

The highly critical rebel motion at this year’s AGM, which has not yet been submitted - is understood to have been backed by more than 50 members - said the “membership has no confidence in Tim Parker as chairman of the National Trust and asks that he offer his resignation.”