Inspectors still being denied access to Iranian facilities

The Iranian government is thumbing its nose at the world, despite its professed desire to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration. Tehran is denying the International Atomic Energy Agency access to video surveillance from several of its nuclear enrichment facilities and data from monitors and tamper-proof seals that keep electronic tabs on the Iranian program.

For the first time, the IAEA could only publish an estimate of Iran’s nuclear stockpile based on the output from previous months. With no accounting of Iranian enrichment activities and Iran threatening to delete the data unless European nations lift all sanctions on the regime, the entire inspections regime is threatening to fall apart…

Iran is blocking the signals from those seals, making it impossible to determine how much uranium they are enriching and to what level of enrichment that nuclear material is being manufactured. The Iranians could be enriching uranium to bomb-grade levels and no one would know.