Tucker: Biden’s NSA illegally leaked my emails to press in smear attempt

Fox News’s Tucker Carlson accused the National Security Agency (NSA) Wednesday night of releasing the contents of his private emails and releasing his identity to at least one journalist, following his accusations of illegal spying by the agency. Last week, Carlson claimed a whistleblower had leaked internal intelligence revealing an NSA operation to spy on and collect his electronic communications.

“Yesterday, we learned that sources in the so-called ‘intelligence community’ told at least one reporter in Washington what was in those emails — my emails,” Carlson said.

“No one in Washington appeared to be shocked in the slightest,” Carlson added. “The usual shills right after our segment had a ready explanation for it: Either it never happened at all, they said, just a cable news show lying for ratings, or there must have been a good reason it happened.” As Carlson noted, dozens of blue checkmarks on Twitter discarded and mocked his claims.

“But [NSA spying] is not normal — at all,” he continued. “It is third-world. And as we told you repeatedly, it did happen. Now, that has been confirmed.”

The contents of the emails, Carlson explained, were communications between the primetime host and sources he thought could “help [the show] get an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.” Carlson said he told nobody but his executive producer Justin Wells about the email communication (since publicity could make the interview fall through), but that the contents of the messages were released anyway.

theTrumpet says…

This is the latest in a pattern of abuse of U.S. intelligence agencies by the radical left. Here’s what Trumpet editor in Gerald Flurry wrote about it in his 2019 article “Can President Trump Get Control of His Own Divided Government?”:

When Barack Obama became president, he said that he wanted to fundamentally transform America. He succeeded on a dangerous scale.  

The damage his administration did to this country is immeasurable.  

The Obama administration had a vice-grip on the law and intelligence departments. It authored scandals like Fast and Furious, which put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. It used the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative organizations. It used its intelligence infrastructure to spy on journalists and other media members. It abused law enforcement powers to punish political opponents and expand its power. And as it became clear, it spied on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. It was an attempt to stop Mr. Trump’s campaign to win the Republican primary election. Then later it made a treasonous attempt to overthrow his presidency!  

That plot continues to this day.  

These are just a few of its deadly abuses of power—to say nothing of the racial strife it stirred up, and the cultural and moral decline it encouraged. …

The cia looks for terrorists overseas. However, more recently, it has been looking for terrorists in the Trump administration, accusing the U.S. president of being a Russian agent. When Trump came to office, nearly all of these powerful intelligence agencies were being used against him! …

 The federal agencies the Obama White House weaponized wield incredible power. If they are not held accountable, then what is to stop them from being used against the very people they are meant to protect?  

Can President Trump Get Control of His Own Divided Government?”, August 2019, Philadelphia Trumpet