Massachusetts school district pushes gradeschoolers to read books about white deal with the devil

A public school district in Massachusetts included books about “White privilege” and “Whiteness” in a recommended summer reading list for grade school students. 

Belmont Public Schools, located in a Boston suburb, includes a list titled “Race, Culture, and Activism” of suggested books for students from kindergarten through fifth grade to read over the summer. 

The reading list includes the book “Not my Idea: A Book About Whiteness,” in which the devil approaches the main character with a “Contract Binding you to Whiteness.” 

The imaginary terms offer “stolen land,” “stolen riches” and “special favors.” It adds that “WHITENESS gets” “your soul” and “to mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones and all fellow humans of COLOR.” The end contains a section for signature and notes “[l]and, riches and favors may be revoked at any time, for any reason.”

theTrumpet says…

During the height of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote from a unique perspective—neither white nor black, Republican nor Democrat, but based on the eternal truths of the Bible. Mr. Armstrong taught the way to true peace and correctly identified the problems plaguing race relations. Yet he also understood what the Bible prophesied for the near future.

He wrote in the October 1963 Plain Truth, “Make no mistake! This is no light matter to pass over casually! Race war is coming! Racial tensions, passions and hatreds are being deliberately stirred by organized planning. It will explode into mass violence that will stagger the imagination! It will be whipped into an accelerating crescendo until human blood runs like rivers!”

His warning highlighted the fact that racial violence in America is not happening because of an innate hatred between races. It is being stirred up by radical politicians, many of whom are trying to scare people into voting for them. In the 1960s, this tactic spiraled out of control as hundreds of people took to the streets to riot. And it is about to spiral out of control again, only in a much bigger way.

Why Does Joe Biden Want Schools to Teach That America Is Systemically Racist?”, May 10