Scottish four-year-olds can change gender at school without parents’ consent

Children as young as four will be able to change their name and gender at school without their parents’ consent under new LGBT inclusivity guidelines drawn up by the Scottish Government.

A 70-page document, issued to schools north of the border on Thursday, calls on teachers not to question pupils if they say that they want to transition to live as a boy or a girl and to instead ask them for their new name and pronouns.

The controversial guidance claims that it is possible to “come out” as transgender “at any age” and that the views of young people should be respected if they do not want their parents to be informed.

Scotland’s schools have also been told that trans pupils should be able to use whatever lavatory or changing room they choose, to develop “gender neutral” uniform options, and to include transgender characters and role models in reading material and lessons.

theTrumpet says…

Here are some facts. It is a scientific fact that people are biologically male or female. It is a scientific fact that biological sex comes with physiological and even mental and emotional predispositions. But science can tell you nothing about a man feeling that he is actually a woman. There is no scientific explanation for that.

Trans supporters say that when a person’s thinking doesn’t harmonize with biology, he should not change his thinking—he should change his biology. Correcting his thinking would be bigoted, discriminatory and wrong. Acting like the opposite sex, using hormone blockers, and intentionally mutilating his genitalia would be sophisticated, healthy and fulfilling.

It is difficult to comprehend just how many contradictions are contained in this thinking.

Transgender activists say gender is an “artificial construct.” Yet at the same time, they say the entire society must pivot for someone who is exhibiting stereotypical and even cartoonish expressions of his “authentic gender identity”—if it is different from his actual, scientific gender identity. They say a person’s “real self” is separate from his or her physical body. Then they say that the person’s body must be surgically transformed to make the person “whole.” They say that even children must take puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgical procedures to match the physical body to the idea in the mind.

This thinking is obviously and blatantly anti-science. But if you try to talk about scientific facts, you are labeled an intolerant, discriminating bigot.

Here are more facts these activists portray as “transphobic.” Science shows that among children who struggle with gender dysphoria, 80 percent of girls and 95 percent of boys will reconcile with their biological sex if they are allowed to go through puberty. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have been shown to damage cardiovascular health, bone density and reproductive functions. Nearly half of people who identify as transgender experience anxiety disorders or depression. An estimated 41 percent have tried to kill themselves. Those who undergo sex-change interventions—far from experiencing lasting mental health benefits—are 19 times more likely to commit suicide.

Some people suffer the misery of undergoing the surgery and then bitterly regret it. Some even undergo surgery to undo the surgery and try to un-destroy their gender. That alone tells you that trying to alter their gender did not help them become their “authentic selves,” and it certainly has not led to happiness.

Transgenderism: Attack on Truth, Attack on Children,” March 3, 2021,